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43,940+ hrs

... or over 5 full years of therapy session recordings on JotPsych

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Details the therapeutic techniques employed during the session and the client's reactions to each intervention.

Interventions and Patient Response

Documents the main issues and concerns addressed during a therapy session.

Topics Discussed

Outlines the goals for future therapy sessions and documents specific tasks or exercises for the client to complete outside of sessions.

Assignments and Plan

Evaluates the risk of harm to self or others, including assessments of suicidal ideation, self-harm, and aggression.

Safety Assessment

Designed for Therapists

JotPsych for Therapists

JotPsych streamlines therapy note-taking with highly customizable templates, helping therapists focus on what matters most. Once you're finished, simply delete the note and it's gone forever, ensuring client privacy and reducing digital clutter.

Built to capture psycho-social-behavioral factors

Customizable templates for use with any sub-specialty

Drafts follow-up emails

Identifies ICD-10, DSM-5-TR, and CPT Codes

Sensitive to behavioral health medications and terminology

Get your time back.

Record your encounter or dictate afterwards—we'll handle the rest. 

What will you do with all the time you save?

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