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Free Trial (no credit card req) + Improved AI Model

We are thrilled to announce some significant updates to JotPsych that aim to improve your experience and address the valuable feedback we have received over the past few weeks. 

These updates are designed to offer a more refined and user-friendly experience. 

Free Trials... Now, No-Credit-Card Required

You read that right! You can now try JotPsych for free. No credit card. No bales of wheat. No feudal allegiances. Nada.

We believe in JotPsych, and we want you to experience it risk-free. Get started in 5 minutes here

AI Model Updates 

We asked for your feedback, and you've given it! 

Based on a comprehensive analysis of nearly 200 pieces of user feedback, this week we’ve released several key changes to the JotPsych AI model, including: 

  • HPI overhaul: ~36% of the feedback we received asked for a more robust History of Present Illness. In response, the HPI section has been redesigned to be richer, and more organized. For example, we've made our model more sensitive to critical content like substance abuse factors (like cravings, triggers, and withdrawal), and trained our system to more consistently group HPI subsections by diagnosis. 

  • Narrower, more efficient language: ~10% of the feedback we received asked for a narrower Psychiatric History section. So we narrowed it. We also addressed requests for more efficient language and formatting in our Medications, Assessment, and Plan sections. 

Improved medication spelling: Over 20% of the feedback we received was related to medication spelling. Our custom medication offering reduces medication misses by over 70%. So make sure you let us know when a medication is spelled wrong and we'll add it to your custom medication bank!


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