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Extended-length notes and PowerVocab

Extended Maximum Recorded Visit Time 🕒

Good news! We have extended our maximum recorded visit time from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. Now, you can use our software for visits that go beyond an hour, offering you more flexibility to accommodate more extended consultations without interruptions.

How to Use:

This feature is automatically enabled in JotPsych version 1.5.1 or later. If your app hasn't updated yet, don't worry; it should auto-update soon.

Custom Vocabulary Lists 📝

In an effort to make your transcripts as accurate as possible, we've introduced the ability to submit custom vocabulary lists specific to your practice. Whether it's medical jargon or names of specialized treatments, this feature will help enhance the accuracy of word recognition in your notes.

How to Use:

To add words to your custom model, simply email, text, or call us. We'll make sure to update your settings accordingly.


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